How To Disable The Commission Validation Rule “The Total Fee Percent Value Should Not Exceed 100% For Inside Broker”

    Learn how to disable the Commission validation rule

    The system prevents users from entering the total fee percent for the Inside Broker commission greater than 100%. However, an AscendixRE Admin can disable this commission logic from the Admin Console:

    "The total Fee Percent value should not exceed 100% for Inside Broker" error notification.

    To do so, follow the steps below:

    1. Go to the App Launcher (nine dots in the top left corner).
    2. Type AscendixRE in the Search box.
    3. Click AscendixRE Admin Console.
    4. Navigate to the Business logic section and go to the Validation tab.
    5. Search for the Commission Validation Rule "The total Fee Percent value should not exceed 100% for Inside Broker ".
    6. Click the pencil icon and deselect the checkbox to deactivate the rule.
    7. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.