What's new in AscendixRE 1.35

    Available , May 26 2024

    New Features & Improvements:

    • Updated House Field Behavior. A validation mechanism has been introduced in User settings to restrict the House field values to within 0-100%, ensuring data integrity and adherence to business rules.
    • A new Relationship Grid component has been deployed, simplifying the management of connections between entities and reducing the need to navigate through multiple pages.
    • Additional Spinners have been added to provide immediate feedback during the sorting of records in the editable grid and the addition of multiple records to deals.
    • Administrators can now set daily limits on geocoding requests, which helps manage operational expenses and ensures the geocoding usage aligns with the organization’s needs.
    • Users now have the flexibility to change the default Rent Type field value to "Flat" or "Stepped" based on their most common scenarios, enhancing customization and efficiency.
    • The process for assigning Enterprise licenses now includes an optional step for automatic permission set assignment, reducing the need for subsequent manual configurations.
    • Users can now choose their preferred system of measurement (Imperial or Metric) for all records within the system, and the term "English" has been updated to "Imperial" to align with industry standards.
    • Bug Fixes