Change The Date Format Used To Set Record Names To Use The Organizational Default

    Learn how to change the date format used to set the record names

    In AscendixRE, the record name for some objects is set automatically by the system when they are created and updated. 

    For version 1.25 or earlier, if a date or DateTime field is used for auto-populated record names, the default format is “dd/MM/yyyy” or “dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:s”.  

    For example, when converting a Seller Representation deal, the new Sale record will consist of the date in the name with the format “dd/MM/yyyy” or “dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:s” – 15/07/22 – 175,000 or Sale - 15/07/22 7.30 AM – 175,000 as shown on the example below. 

    Starting from version 1.26, the new installations will use the org locale date/datetime format by default. For example, the org locale is set to Canada. When converting a Seller Representation deal, the new Sale record will consist of the date in the name with the Canadian format “yyyy-MM-dd” – 2022-07-25 -270,000. 

    If the organization has been upgraded from version 1.25 or below to version 1.26 or above, the new custom setting record 'HARDCODED_FORMAT_FOR_NAMING' has been added with the body value ‘true’. In this case, the application will still use the hardcoded format “dd/MM/yyyy” or “dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:s”.  

    To switch from the default date/datetime format to the org locale date/datetime format, the custom setting record 'HARDCODED_FORMAT_FOR_NAMING' should be removed or its body value should be changed to ‘false’.  

    To do it, follow the steps described below: 

    1. Via the App Launcher, select the AscendixRE Admin Console

    2. On the left navigation pane click on All Settings

    3. Search for the 'HARDCODED_FORMAT_FOR_NAMING’ setting. 

    There are two options to change the date format: delete new settings or disable it. 

    1. To delete setting - select the delete option from the dropdown list. 

    2. To disable setting - in the body field, change the value true to false.