Google Maps Key Configuration

    Learn how to configure Google Maps API key to be able to use Google Maps as a map provider

    By default, all Ascendix Search users use OpenStreetMap to geocode their data. It is a free open-source service that doesn't require additional setup.

    If you wish to use Google Maps as a map provider, you must have a Google API key.

    Steps how to configure Google API key also can be found here.

    Step 1. Open the Ascendix Search Setup

    Navigating to Ascendix Search Setup

    Step 2. Navigate to Mapping and Select Google Maps as a map provider

    Ascendix Search Google Maps

    Step 3. Provide a Google Maps Key

    Ascendix Search Google Maps Key

    If you do not already have a key, click the Get a Key button to obtain one and then enter the value in the text box below. If you have a key but would like to check if it is still valid, follow this guide