Google Maps Key Configuration

    Learn how to configure Google Maps API key to be able to use Google Maps as a map provider

    By default, all Ascendix Search users use OpenStreetMap to geocode their data. It is a free open-source service that doesn't require additional setup.

    If you wish to use Google Maps as a map provider, you must have a Google API key

    Step 1. Open the Ascendix Search Setup

    Navigating to Ascendix Search Setup

    Step 2. Navigate to Mapping and Select Google Maps as a map provider

    Ascendix Search Google Maps

    Step 3. Provide a Google Maps Key

    Ascendix Search Google Maps Key

    If you do not already have a key, click the Get a Key button to obtain one and then enter the value in the text box below. If you have a key but would like to check if it is still valid, follow this guide