Printable template type

To create a Printable template, you need to select the template type on the New Template Parameters dialog window. Select the report type, change the name if needed, and add a description.
Once you click the Create button the Editor will be opened in modified view.

On the left side of the screen displayed new elements Sections. Each section might represent a single page or several pages depending on the amount of content that was added.
You can add more sections by clicking the Add a section button. Also, you can re-order sections using drag & drop functionality.

In the Editor Area, the section might contain any available dynamic or/and static element.
Sections action menu
The section has an action menu, where the user can find the following options:

- The delete option allows deleting the section without the ability to restore it. If the user clicks Delete a section, this section will be deleted from the sections list.
- The duplicate option allows duplicating the section and the content with all elements that the section contains. If the user clicks Duplicate a section, the duplicate of this section with all applied preferences.
- Preferences allow you to do the following:

- Rename the section. Each section must contain the name, by default it is Section “#.” The section’s name might contain up to 20 characters.
- Change the orientation from Portrait to Landscape and another way around. Will be applied for the section and ignore the generic publication settings.
- Page Settings – the section might contain the header or/and the footer. That means that headers and footers will be displayed on all pages of the section where it was applied.
All preferences can be applied for each section.
Once preferences are applied, the section’s appearance will be changed, so you can know
which section contains the custom settings and which one has only default ones.

Header and Footer
Header and Footer are default sections, which contain their own editor area. You do not need to add a header or footer to each section, just click on the header or footer section and add the elements you want to be displayed as a header or a footer. Select the section’s preferences where to display and it will appear in the final publication on all selected pages.

Page number element
Header or Footer might contain the Page number element. The element can be found in the list of Dynamic elements.

The Page number element can be modified and cannot be used in any other section except the Header or Footer. Also, this element is available only for the Printable template type.
Add a Page number element to the Header or Footer, select the record, and generate the report. The page number will be displayed in proper order on all pages where the header and/or footer exist.
Zoom in/out
For Printable type of templates has been added an option which allows zooming in or out the page in the Editor Area, Template preview page, Publication edit page, and Publication preview page.

To zoom in or zoom out the page click on the Zoom button on the top menu. The slider
will appear. Move the slider or use controls “-” or “+” to change the size of the page.
Printable publication creation
To finish the creation of the publication of the printable template type, add sections, and elements to the sections, apply preferences if needed, and change the publication size and/or its orientation. Select the record and click the Create publication button.

The publication will be generated with all sections and elements on it including headers/footers/page numbers. Once it is generated the publication will be opened in the edit mode and you can make some changes if it is required.

To download the PDF file of your newly generated publication open the action menu on the top screen and select Download as PDF. The PDF file will be downloaded to your local device.

Publication preview for Printable template type
After the publication is generated, you can open it in view mode and see its preview. From the preview page, you can download the file in PDF format, and export it as an HTML file.

The publication preview might look a bit different compared to the actual PDF file.
Publication Settings
The publication settings were extended with the new options. Now you can change the orientation of the template: portrait or landscape (will be applied to all pages), and the template size. The size of the template can be changed to the following formats: A4, A3, A5, B4, B5, ledger, letter, statement, and legal.

From elements
Form elements contain mapped fields, which retrieve their values for Data Source after form submission.

The functionality of forms became available after the addition of the Service account.
Service account
The service account is a specific account that helps to create forms and receive the information after the form submission on Data Source.
To set up the service account go to the Org Settings, click the button Add Service Account. Enter the email address that you want to use for this account and click the Save button.

Once the account is added you will see the information that the SF Service app is connected to. The functionality of Forms became available.

Currently, the following form elements are available:
Form Container
Form container element allows adding values to the corresponding fields on Data Source. Depending on the selected object will be created a new entity. May be used only as a container for other form elements. The element must be placed in the Collection Container element. After the Form container is added into the Editor area, it can be adjusted on the Data tab:

Select the Object where the new entity must be created on Data Source.
Text box
Text Box element allows mapping any text to the current Collection. After this element is added into Editor Area, it can be adjusted on the Data tab:

- Select the text or numeric Field to map with the element.
- No matter which value was selected you can change the Placeholder for the field that will be displayed in the final publication.
- Change the type from the text (default) to number, email or tel if needed.
Button element allows creating a button that can be used for the form Submitting or Clearing. After this element is added to Editor Area, it can be adjusted on the Data tab:

- Change the button text if needed
- Select the action that must be performed once the button is pressed.
a. Submit
b. Clear form
Text Area
Text Area element allows sending large text messages from final. After this element is added into Editor Area, it can be adjusted on the Data tab:

- The Logical name can be changed from a Dynamic (default) to a Static.
- On Dynamic logical name select the field from the current Collection.
- If the Static logical name is selected, you can add the text to the text. The text box value will be used in submitted forms.
- Add a text as a Placeholder which will be displayed in the final publication.
- Make the field required using the Checkbox.
- On the final publication, the user can enter up to 4000 characters.
Hidden Input
The hidden Input element allows adding additional information into the submitted form without user involvement. After this element is added into Editor Area, it can be adjusted on the Data tab:

- Select the text field from the current Collection. Technical fields are also available for this element.
- The Hidden element is not shown in the Final publication.
The checkbox element allows creating of more sophisticated forms. After this element is added to Editor Area, it can be adjusted on the Data tab:

- The Logical name can be changed from a Dynamic (default) to a Static.
- On Dynamic logical name select the field from the current Collection.
- If the Static logical name is selected, you can add the text to the text. The text box value will be used in submitted forms.
Datepicker element allows selecting the date on the final publication. After this element is added into Editor Area, it can be adjusted on the Data tab:

- The Logical name can be changed from a Dynamic (default) to a Static.
- On Dynamic logical name select the field from the current Collection.
- If the Static logical name is selected, you can add the text to the text. The text box value will be used in submitted forms.
- Add a text as a Placeholder which will be displayed in the final publication.
- Make the field required using the Checkbox.
- Change the default value which will be used in the final publication.
- On the final publication select the date from the drop-down calendar.
Dropdown element allows selecting the value from the list of available ones. After this element is added into Editor Area, it can be adjusted in the Data tab:

- Set the Dynamic Picklist Field from the current Collection. Picklist Field name mapped to Dropdown element will be displayed on Dropdown list element on Editor’s Area.
- Make the field required using the Checkbox.
- On Final Publications, the User can select one of the available Picklist options from the mapped Dynamic Picklist Field as an Input.
Submitting Status
Submitting Status element allows changing the message that the user who is submitting the form will see after the form submission. After this element is added into Editor Area, it can be adjusted in the Data tab:

- Enter the text to the field Success message. By default, the form has been submitted. The text will appear after the form is submitted successfully.
- Enter the text to the filed Error message. By default, the form submission has failed. Please check all fields and try again. The text will appear after the form is not submitted.
- On the final publication, this element will not be visible.
- The text will be displayed on the final publication once the Submit button is pressed.
Refresh captcha
On the final publication, the form will be displayed with a captcha. Before clicking the submit button, the user needs to enter the special symbols into the box. In case the captcha is not readable you can click the button to refresh captcha and the new symbols will appear.

Contact form Block
The Contact form block has been added to the Blocks section. You do not need to create a form from scratch, just add it to the Editor area predefined block, and customize it if needed.

Saving functionality
The “Save” button has been added to the actions panel. Once any element is added to the Editor Area changes will not be saved automatically. To save all changes you need to click the Save button.

Export HTML
Now the generated publication can be exported as an HTML file.
The functionality is available on the publication preview page, edit publication in the action menu, and publication page action menu for each publication.

Conditional Values for Boolean fields
The conditional Value has been added to the Boolean fields. After Dynamic Text Bind is added to the Editor Area, Template Editor can open the Data tab and add Conditional Value. On the Conditional Values dialog, Template Editor can:
Set a conditional expression, which can include the following conditional operators:
- True
- False
- Is blank
- Is not blank

The calculation element allows creating of custom formulas using several numerical Collection fields. You can use standard math operators to create the custom formula.
The calculation element has the following available elements in the Formula Bar:

- Math operators: “+”, “- “, “*”, “/”, “()” – allow making different math operations of certain field values within the Collection.
- Number format – allows you to change the number format or add a custom one.
- Currency format – allows changing the currency format from None to $, €, £, or custom.
To create a custom formula start typing in Formula Bar:
- Click Add the field button.
- Search among numerical Entity Fields is initiated in a drop-down menu.
- Select the necessary field and type chars are replaced with the selected field name. Note: Only numerical fields are displayed in the drop-down menu
Filter condition grouping
Now you can add not only single filters to the fields but also create groups of filters for more complex cases.
Add filters, add a group, add filters into the group using drag & drop functionality, and apply operators AND/OR between groups and filters. Click the Save button and close the pop-up.

You can add as many groups as you want and filters inside of these groups. Logical operators must be set between all groups and filters.
If you want to move the filter from the group, you can use drag & drop.
Also, you can remove the single filter in the group or outside of the group as well as a group.
Static map element
The static map element has been added to the email-compatible template type. Now when you need to send the email with a static map, you must add this element into the Editor area and generate a report.
Special symbols for templates and publications
To avoid mistakes that can lead to failing publication generation. When you create a new template, change the name of the publication before it is generated, you cannot use any special characters except these ones “_”, “.”, “-”, “()”, “/”
If you will try to add any forbidden special characters, the creation will be disabled, and you will see the error message.

Multiple publications in separate files
If you create a publication with multiple records, you might need to see them in separate files. Now you can do with a new functionality.
Select the default template or create a new one from scratch, add all necessary elements/information, and click the preview button.

On the screen Data for preview select PDF format - Separate PDF per record. Select several records (up to 100) and click the Create publication button.
Once the generation is finished, the page with all generated reports will be opened.
On this page, you will see the list of generated reports with their statuses and actions. You can download all reports as a zip archive or select which ones must be a part of the archive. In the archive the reports will be in PDF format.

Available options for the reports are:
- View
- Edit
- Download as PDF
- Export HTML
- Copy Link
- Delete
Template Preview
The preview of the template was changed. Now you can see the number of pages that will contain your final publication. All pages are split, so you can make changes if required before the generation of your publication.

UX/UI improvements
Generated Publication
After the publication is successfully generated it will be opened in the Edit publication mode, so you can check if all fields and elements are correct and fix if needed.

The new element “Actions” has been added to the top menu. Click on the Actions and choose what to do with a generated publication.
- Copy Public Link
- Download as PDF
- Export HTML
Additionally, buttons to preview and close have been added.

Click on the preview button to see the generated publication or close the page completely.
Application version
Now you can know the version of the application that you are currently using. It can be helpful for the concierge team to identify the root cause in case you face any issues.
The version of the application you can find under the user profile by clicking “Information.”
The pop-up window will be open.

New template
The tab New templates have been removed from tabs and placed as a separate button on the top right corner of the screen. Names of tabs My Templates and My Publications were changed to Templates and Publications.

To create a new template from scratch or use a default one, click the button “+New Template.” The new screen will be opened with a list of default templates and the option to create from scratch.

The appearance of the page Templates was changed.
Now you can see your templates in a table and list view, with a single click switch between modes.
In the Table view, you can see new labels on the thumbnails. This identifier will help you to understand which template type it is and publish this template or not.

In the List view, the same information about templates is available. You can see the template name, template type, description, and whether it is published or not.

Template filters
You can easily find the template type by using the new filtering functionality. Just click the filter icon and filter templates by:
- Template type
- Status

PDF View
The toggle that switches a preview of a template was removed for the printable and email-compatible template types.
Device switcher
The switcher between different device types was removed from the publication edit page.
Download as PDF
The button Download as PDF was added to the publication preview screen. Now you can download the report directly from this page and do not need to close it.
Default templates
New default templates – Property flyers were added. You can find them in the list of default templates.