In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to set up a flow that updates related records/ creates events for the records after you send a Mailchimp campaign. Additionally, we'll cover the technical details of configuring the Mailchimp flow and executing it from Ascendix Search. Let's get started!
Creating Autolaunched Flow
The Autolaunched flow is a powerful automation tool in Salesforce that run in the background without requiring user interaction. They are triggered automatically by predefined events or schedules. Even though autolaunched flows do not support screens or local actions, they can perform a wide range of actions based on the trigger that initiates them.
Autolaunched flows offer a way to automate processes and streamline workflows in Salesforce. They can be used for tasks such as updating records, sending notifications, performing calculations, and integrating with external systems. By leveraging autolaunched flows, admins can create efficient and automated solutions to improve productivity and user experience within their Salesforce org.
Please note: The flow can be created for different cases. It all depends on your business needs. However, you will have to use our API collection variables/variables:
- selectedIds

- campaignName

- emailSubject

- objectName

- failedSelectedIds

The idea of this flow will be to create a task record for the inquiry records that were placed as recipients in the Mailchimp campaign:
- Click the Setup icon, and in the Quick Find Box, start typing Flow.
- Once the Flow tab is available, hit the New Flow button.
- Select the Autolaunched Flow ( No Trigger) and click the Create button.

- Click + icon to add a new element Loop:

- Fill in the required fields, such as Label (e.g., “Create tasks”, the API name will be auto-filled) and for Collection Variable select +New Resouce:

- From the Resource Type dropdown, select Variable.
- For API Name input data - “selectedIds”.
- From the Data Type dropdown, select Text.
- Tick the Allow multiple values(collection) and Available for input checkboxes, and hit the Done button.

- Once the Collection Variable is linked, leave the Direction as it is and click the Done button.

- The flow should be like the screenshot below:

- Click + icon under For Each to add a new element Create Records:

- Fill in the required fields, such as Label (e.g., “Create tasks”, the API name will be auto-filled).
- For How Many Records to Create - One.
- How to Set the Record Fields - Use separate resources and literal values.
- From the Object dropdown, select Task.

- Set field values for the Task:
- Set Priority
- Set Status
- Subject - set the variable emailSubject
- WhatID

Configure Mailchimp Flow
Once, the admin user has created the flow the next will be to configure it in Ascendix Search Setup:
- In the Configuration section, select the Composer tab and navigate to the Mailchimp Flow.
- It is possible to run to flows: when the Mailchimp campaign is completed successfully and when it fails.
- From the dropdown, select the designed flow. (Please note: The dropdown will contain all active autolaunched flows).

- Click the Run Flow button to check if everything works correctly:
- From the Object Type dropdown select Inquiry.
- Select any Inquiry record.
- Fill in the Email Subject and Campaign Name.
- Hit the Run button.
- The green pop notification "Flow has been launched successfully" will appear.

- Click the Save button to apply the Mailchimp flow.
To check the implementation, go to the Inquire record (e.g.,"David Lewis") and check if the task record was created:

Congratulations! Everything works as expected.