Export To Excel

    Learn how to quickly export your search results to Microsoft Excel

    Have a search result that you want to print off, share with the team, or manipulate outside of Salesforce? Ascendix Search lets you quickly export your results, so you can have your data on the go.

    * This option is only available for those with the export permission enabled. Speak with your admin to enable or consult the Admin Guide for your version of Salesforce.

    Step 1. From the search results page select Export to Excel from the top right.

    Step 2. From here you can choose what kind of data will be exported. Export when done.

    Export to Excel Ascendix Search for Salesforce

    What you should know about the Export to Excel functionality

    • Your admin should grant you rights to enable this feature.
    • Admin can define the maximum number of records you can Export with a single action (from 0 to 50,000 records).
    • You can choose to export records to Excel, CSV, or an HTML Document.
    • You can export all records in the current view, all records matching the search criteria or the selected records. If you have more records than the limit that was set for your ORG, then you'll get only the first X records within a set limit.
    • You can customize the results columns, add related objects values to get more meaningful data.