Customization for Multi-picklist fields
Basic principles
Select the option to display multiple values from Multi-picklist fields: in line or column.

Inline controls

Column controls
If selecting the “Inline” option, each pulled value will be displayed one by one in line:

Inline result
If selecting the “Column” option, each pulled value will be displayed one by one in the column:

Custom settings for the Column option

Column result
Column settings include:
- Line spacing: the vertical distance between value lines.
- Bulleted list: the list of available bullets to mark every new row.
- List item indent: the horizontal distance between a bullet and a value in the row.
- Bullet indent: the horizontal distance before the bullet in the row.
There are 3 options to set the delimiter to separate pulled values:
- standard: for Salesforce, this is a semicolon symbol “;”.
- none: the values will be separated with a space w/o any symbols.
- custom: any custom symbols added manually to separate values.
Conditions for Multi-picklist values
Conditions also work for Multi-picklist fields, and their logic is applied to every value individually.
For example, there is a condition:

Considering this condition, the outcome will look as:

Column result with condition
Since only one value contains “sofa”, it was replaced with a new value but the rest values remain the same.
Updated a New template popup
The “Type of Report” was renamed to “Main Object” to prevent misunderstanding about its purpose. From now on, the field indicates the object on which the template will be built.