The email functionality has been expanded in Ascendix Search giving the opportunity to send email not only from the logged user but as well using the Organization-Wide Email Addresses.
The Organization-Wide Email Addresses allows each user in a user profile to send an email using this address. All messages use the same display name and email address. The admin can also designate an org-wide email address for unmonitored mailboxes that require a verified address.
An Organization-Wide Email Address can be set up for use by doing the following:
1. Click the gear icon in the upper right and click Setup.
2. Enter Organization-Wide Addresses in the Quick Find search box.
3. Click Organization-Wide Addresses
4. Click add for "User Selectable Organization-Wide Email Addresses".
5. Enter a Display Name and the Email Address.
6. Choose which profiles may use the organization-wide email address.
7. Click the Save button.
After clicking save, an email will be sent to verify the Organization-Wide Email Address you created. After this has been verified, the email address should be available to all Profiles that were assigned during setup.
Once this step is completed and the Organization-Wide Email Address is configured, navigate to the Ascendix Search and click the Email icon.
2. As a result the Email From is a dropdown and includes new options.
By following these steps, you can ensure that emails sent via Ascendix Search are using the correct sender's email address, allowing you to communicate effectively while adhering to your company's email policies.
Please note: We support Organization-Wide Email Address emails only with the following purposes: 1) User Selection 2)User Selection and Default Non-Reply Address (the same behavior as Salesforce has for their email dialog).